Public Consultation: Have Your Say
We have been asked by Jomast to prepare an application for the approval of reserved matters and welcome your comments prior to submitting the application to Hambleton District Council.
As you might be aware, outline planning permission was granted on 13 June 2017 for the construction of up to 80 dwellings, convenience store, petrol filling station & healthcare uses. Access was approved as part of the outline planning application, but all other design matters were reserved for future approval.
To clarify, a reserved matters application deals with some or all of the outstanding details of the outline application proposal, including:
- appearance – aspects of a building or place which affect the way it looks
- means of access – covers accessibility for all routes into the site
- landscaping – the improvement or protection of the amenities of the site and the area and the surrounding area, this could include planting trees or hedges
- layout – includes buildings, routes and open spaces within the development and the way they are laid out in relation to buildings and spaces outside the development
- scale – includes information on the size of the development, including the height, width and length of each proposed building
In this case, Jomast intends to apply for the approval of all outstanding matters namely: appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale. It is not possible to reassess the principle of development as part of the reserved matters application which has been established by the outline planning permission. Therefore, any comments you have should be focussed on these specific matters.
The details of the reserved matters application must be in line with the outline approval, including any conditions attached to the permission. To this end, the proposed details show 80 dwellings, a convenience store, a petrol filling station and a healthcare building in the same locations shown on the illustrative plans submitted with the outline planning application.
In summary, most of the dwellings would be 2, 3 and 4 bed homes with a limited number of 1 bed apartments and would be arranged in short terraces, semi-detached and detached plots. The proposed dwellings have been designed to reflect the character and scale of existing properties in the local area, with vehicular access from York Road as per the outline planning permission.
A petrol filling station with a 400 sqm convenience store fronts York Road and a 1,200 sqm medical centre is positioned behind the convenience store. The medical centre would be set over two floors and includes a dedicated car park for 30 vehicles.
The proposals include new landscaping within the site including new tree planting along the southern boundary and a green buffer between the proposed petrol filing station and York Road. An area of public open space is shown at the south-eastern corner of the application site.
The planning application will be accompanied with the appropriate technical reports which address the various technical issues including trees and ecology This information is not currently available at this consultation stage but will be available for you to consider at the application stage. Following the receipt of a reserved matters application, Hambleton District Council will carry out its own consultation exercise with local residents.
Relevant Matters
Before we submit a planning application to the Council, we would welcome your comments on the development. These comments should be restricted to the reserved matters, namely: external appearance, scale, landscaping and layout.
When should I provide my comments?
We would like to receive your comments as soon as possible but before Tuesday 12 May 2020. This will allow sufficient time for us to consider your comments before finalising the planning application.
What Happens Next?
All comments we receive will be carefully considered and a Consultation Statement will be submitted to accompany the reserved matters application which provides details of all comments received and explain any changes made in response to the consultation. Following the receipt of a planning application, Hambleton District Council will carry out its own consultation exercise.
Data Protection
By responding to this consultation you agree that we can use your comments in the preparation of a future planning application. Unfortunately, we cannot accept confidential comments but we will not disclose your contact details or address to a third-party or store this information on a database.
Voice Your Opinion
Please provide your comments below or alternatively send an email to with the name of the project.