Land to the North of The Green Dragon PH, Exelby

Proposed development of 5no. detached dwellings

Public Consultation: Have Your Say

Saddington Taylor is preparing an outline planning application on behalf of One North Property Ltd. for the construction of 5no. detached dwellings on land to the north of The Green Dragon Public House, Exelby.

The proposed development would deliver a mix of high-quality market homes that respect the form and character of the village in accordance with the Council’s Interim Policy Guidance. Access would be taken from B6285, whilst existing landscape features would be retained along the site’s northern, eastern and western boundaries.

One North Ltd is committed to working alongside the Exelby Green Dragon Community Pub Group in its venture to secure and operate the Green Dragon PH as a community asset, restoring the pub as the focal point for community life. To this end, One North Property Ltd has agreed to provide a new access and a car park for the pub as part of the development project.

We are keen to hear your views on our draft proposals before finalising our submission to Hambleton District Council.


Relevant Matters

We welcome your comments concerning the principle of development, design matters (such as access, external appearance, scale, landscaping and layout) and/or any other technical matters you’d like to bring to our attention.

When should I provide my comments?

Please provide your comments on the draft proposals by Wednesday 26 September 2018. This will allow sufficient time for us to consider your comments before finalising the planning application.

What Happens Next?

All representations received will be carefully considered. A ‘Statement of Community Involvement’ will be submitted with the planning application which provides details of all comments received and explain any design changes made in response to public consultation. Following the receipt of a planning application, Hambleton District Council will carry out its own consultation exercise.

Data Protection

By responding to this consultation you agree that we can use your comments in the preparation and submission of a reserved matters planning application. Unfortunately, we cannot accept confidential comments but we will not disclose your contact details or address to a third-party or store this information on a database.

Voice Your Opinion

Please provide your comments below or alternatively send an email to with the name of the project.

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