Public Consultation
The Proposals
Loxley Homes is seeking full planning permission for the construction of 10 dwellings on land at Bagby Hall Farm, to the south of Bagby Lane. The site already has planning permission for 5 dwellings (application ref. 18/01132/FUL).
Loxley Homes considers that the proposals would result in an attractive development which makes a positive contribution to the character of Bagby, while also providing much needed homes (including affordable housing). Future residents would enjoy a high standard of modern living. The key aspects of the proposals are:
- Mixture of 2, 3, and 4-bedroom properties
- 30% of the dwellings would be delivered as affordable housing.
- All of the dwellings would have off-street parking. Some would also have garages.
- All dwellings would have private gardens.
- The internal layout and finish would be contemporary
- The buildings would be insulated to a high standard.
- External materials will be agreed in consultation with Hambleton District Council. Proposed elevations are shown below.
- Most existing trees would be retained and supplemented by new landscaping.
- Surface water attenuation tank to ensure that surface water discharge from the site does not increase.
Have Your Say
The project is currently undergoing detailed design ahead of a planning application being submitted, and Loxley Homes would like to hear the views of local people.
Interested parties are invited to review this information and provide comments no later than 1st August 2021. We would welcome comments on all aspects of the proposed development, such as the principle of a residential development in this location, the proposed layout, external appearance, scale, access, landscaping etc.
Comments received before the deadline will be discussed with the design team in order to determine whether any design changes are required in response to the public consultation exercise. A Consultation Statement will also be prepared and submitted alongside the planning application in order to summarise the comments received, highlight any design changes made in response to the consultation, and to provide greater clarity regarding any queries or concerns raised by respondents.